Marriage Counselors & Sex Addiction Therapists

Sexual Addiction Recovery Boundary 1: Places

At Front Range Counseling Center, our sexual addiction therapists believe it is important to establish boundaries in the beginning of sexual addiction recovery.  Here is boundary #1: Places

When you were acting out, certain places and environments became sexualized.  Just being in that environment can now be a trigger for relapse.  Recovery from sex addiction will require you to purposely stay out of risky places that can lead to sexually acting out.  The sex addict must be willing to give up going to these places; especially within the first year of recovery.  You will need to identify places that you can no longer go.  If you avoid the places that you use to visit for feeding your sex addiction, you will be less likely to slip back into the addiction.

On a sheet of paper make a list of places that you believe may cause problems for your sobriety and recovery from sex addiction.  Some examples may include: malls, pools, beaches, adult bookstores, strip clubs, massage parlors, bars, etc.  Share this boundary with a therapist, sponsor, pastor, or close friend that you can trust.

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Kevin Leapley specializes in both marriage counseling and sexual addiction therapy for men. Kevin has received specialized training by Dr. Patrick Carnes and obtained his CSAT (Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist). Kevin has also received extensive training in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and is a certified Emotionally Focused Therapist .

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