Marriage Counselors & Sex Addiction Therapists

Sexual Addiction & Partners Counseling

Front Range Counseling Center specializes in treating Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSB), Sexual Addiction, Pornography Addiction, Partner’s of Sex Addicts, Betrayal Couples Counseling, underlying trauma and sexual addiction assessment. All our counselors strive to provide a safe, shame-free, trauma informed, client-centered experience that treats each person as a unique individual desiring healing and recovery.

At Front Range Counseling Center, we believe it is important to treat the whole person, the partner of the sex addict, and restoration for the relationship. We don’t want the person struggling with sexual addiction to limit himself/herself at “getting sober”, but rather to find living a life worth living. We want the sex addict, the partner of the sex addict, and the relationship to have a deeper, longer-lasting and more complete recovery.

Sex Addiction & Partners Services Include:

Sexual Addiction Counseling & Support For Partners

We fully understand the devastation that sexual behaviors can have on an individual, a relationship, and upon the family. The man or woman struggling with problematic sexual behaviors often cannot stop on their own and the partner upon discovery, experiences trauma from the betrayal.  We have counselors that specialize in sexual addiction, affair recovery for couples, betrayal trauma for partners, and healing the family of the person struggling with sexual addiction.

We believe that the real issue of sexual addiction is not the need for more sex but rather an avoidance of real relationship to avoid being rejected, criticized, abandoned, abused, and left alone. Past relationships in the sex addict’s childhood left him/her wounded and he/she turns to a “counterfeit” relationship instead. Due to childhood, the person struggling with sexual addiction has poorly developed personal relationships and a disconnection from their feelings.

The sexual acting behaviors often begins in adolescence or earlier and can derive from sexual abuse or viewing a family member’s or friend’s pornography. Overtime, the brain develops tolerance and demands more, better, and different (similar to any addiction). The man or woman struggling with sexual addictive behaviors increase in frequency, different types of sexual encounters, or darker pornography (i.e., fetishes). The shame of the sex addict also increases and keeps him/her from reaching out for help.

Treatment Program for Sexual Addiction

Our sex addiction counseling begins with a non-shaming, compassionate, sensitive, and thorough assessment. Your sexual addiction counselor will provide treatment options for healing and recovery. You and your therapist will establish treatment goals and together, will identify behaviors from which to abstain. Our counseling services include both individual sex addiction counseling and sex addiction counseling group therapy for men. Group therapy and individual therapy are among the most effective treatments for sex addiction.

Support For the Spouse / Partner of Sex Addicts

Our counselors understand how alone and isolated it can be for the partners. The discovery of the sex addict partner’s behaviors can result in severe symptoms of anxiety, rage, numbness, hyper-vigilance, depression, deep shame, nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts and images. The partners experience symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and that treatment for the partner is equally important.

Treatment for the partner typically includes individual counseling, betrayal couples counseling, and group support. Our program also provides psycho-educational materials and EMDR/Brain Spotting to reduce the trauma. Your therapist will treat you with compassion and understanding as you work through the trauma and pain caused by your partner’s sexual addiction.

Therapeutic Full Disclosure

Our counseling center also can provide a process for Full Disclosure from the addict. If done correctly, we have found that Full Disclosure can restore a sense of respect and dignity to the partner, allowing them to know more of the truth that they didn’t have and make next-step decisions based on knowing rather than not knowing. Full Formal Disclosure is an important part of the sex addict’s recovery, and should be prepared and facilitated by therapists specially trained to guide both the sex addict and partner of the sex addict though the process.

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