Marriage Counselors & Sex Addiction Therapists

Anger Management Tools: Thoughts The first step in this process is to identify your thoughts, or what you are thinking about that is making you mad. What i your trigger though? Are you have wrong thoughts about your relationship? As we’ve said, the reason you are mad is not because of what happened, but because […]

Take care of yourself emotionally.  If you are in a good emotional state you will be less likely to get angry.  If you are emotionally bankrupt, just about anything will set your anger off. Some ways to improve your emotional health: Cultivate emotional supports Spend time serving others Rest Laugh Create healthy personal boundaries for […]

To calm yourself down, you will need to learn some positive ways to teach your body to calm down when you are upset.  The first rule of positive coping is: don’t hold it in.  Avoidance is a negative coping strategy, and so dealing with your anger is important.  It’s normal to fee sadness, anxiety, anger […]

There are three main categories of negative coping. Drugs and Alcohol Venting Avoidance If you are using these methods to calm yourself, you may be succeeding in the short therm, but you are hurting yourself in the long run. Drugs and Alcohol Many, many people use drugs and alcohol for negative coping.  If you are […]

There are two ways that people calm themselves down: positive coping and negative coping.  Both of these methods calm you down.  Make no mistake–you can get the stress out by using either positive or negative coping.  But there is a big difference between the two. With negative coping, you succeed in calming yourself down but […]

Anger Management Cues When we are starting to get angry, our body sends us physical cues to tell us that there is a problem. These are instant, physiological sensations that we have no control over. Different people experience anger differently in their body, but we all receive cues of some sort when we are getting […]

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