Marriage Counselors & Sex Addiction Therapists

Do you find yourself laying in bed worrying about a million different issues?  Some of your worries are about small issues (did I pay the phone bill?) and other issues are outside your control (job, 401k, health insurance premiums, etc.).  It seems you can’t seem to stop the thoughts and you feel tired but can’t […]

Many people have childhood memories of a soft blanket that they carried for comfort or being hugged by a mother wearing a soft and furry nightgown.  The use of touch for self-soothing is often forgotten and yet we are always touching something.  Our skin is covered with sensitive nerves that caring signals of feelings to […]

We can learn to self-sooth through the use of certain sounds.  Listen to beautiful or soothing music, or to CD of the ocean or other sounds of nature can be very relaxing.  For some people, having a baseball game on the radio while they work can be very self-soothing.  For others, sitting by a waterfall can provide […]

What better gift did God provide than our vision?  A large percentage of our brain has been set aside solely for our sense of vision.  What we see can have a very powerful affect upon how we feel about ourselves, others, and our world (both positively and negatively).  So, it is an important tool for […]

The symptoms of anxiety disorder are generally characterized by consistent, extreme, and unfounded fear, worry, or dismay.  For example, a person with anxiety disorder may feel anxious about life with no specific reason.  He or she may simply have an underlying fear but not be able to share what that fear is attributed.  The person […]

  After using your hearing to sooth yourself, I recommend adding your sense of smell to further self-sooth. The goal is to relax rather than actout with anger or other unhealthy coping mechanisms.  When we learn to relax, out minds and bodies feel better.  Our hearts beat slower and our blood pressure is lowered.  Using […]

Self-Soothing Recovery Tool Sounds have a way of soothing us.  This can include for example listening to calming music such as classic or faith-based music.  Everyone will have his or her own favorites for relaxing.  Other examples can be listening to a inspirational speaker on Ted Talks or a pastor that you enjoy hearing. Some […]

If you are struggling with anxiety disorder, our counselors that work with anxiety will provide a treatment plan that will 1) give you specific skills that you can use to overcome problems with panic, anxiety, and phobias, and 2) provide you with steps to master the life skills going forward so that you are ready to face life’s stresses. The treatment will include relaxation exercises, coping skills for anxiety attacks, exposure, identifying and expressing feelings, learning to be assertive, increasing self-esteem, nutrition, exercise, and potentially medication recommendations.